22 Oct 2013

8 Ways to Fight the Aging Process!

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Improve your skin or even change your regimen with these easy 8 Ways to Fight the Aging Process!

1. Get Hydrated

The facts don’t lie. It’s important to have 8 to 10 glasses of water every day as it assists in flushing out the toxins in your system.  This will help clean your body and your face!

2. Sunblock

According to WebMD, about 80% of visible skin changes attributed to aging are caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Preventing sun damage is the single most important thing you can do for your face. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using broad-spectrum protection of at least SPF 30 every day.

3. Get Enough Sleep

This is an easy one. Getting little to no sleep, stresses your body and causes it to release adrenaline and cortisol, which can lead to some skin problems.

4. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your face really helps get down to the pores and increase circulation in your face. Electric face scrubbers like the Clarisonic work quickly in giving your face total cleanliness. However, don’t use it too much as it can lead to your skin drying out.

5. Eat Healthier

Eating leafy greens or healthier snacks is great for your skin and your body. Items such as almonds are great for your skin as they are a good source of omega-3s and vitamin E, which keep your skin cells plump and healthy.

6. Use Moisturizers

Your face is frequently exposed to the dry air and pollutants that can deprive you of some much needed moisture. Many dermatologist recommend moisturizing as it can provide some anti-aging benefits and temporarily plumps the skin.

7. Don’t Overdo it

Chances are if you’re medicine cabinet is filled with too many facial products or you have an extensive makeup routine, you’re potentially clogging your pores. Ditch some of the unnecessary items and minimize your makeup even just for the weekends!

8. Facials

Facials are a great way to revitalize and clear your skin of any impurities. SK Clinic provides a variety of facial treatments for a low fee. While facials are not necessary all the time, it’s great to give your face a special treatment every now and then.

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